Islamabad__ M.Hameed Shahid’s stories written in the backdrop of 9/11 have introduced a different genre in Urdu fiction and by doing this he has set an example for other writers to follow.

Chairman Muqtadara Qaumi Zuban Prof Fateh Muhammad Malik held this opinion of Hameed Shahid’s stories while presiding over the launching ceremony of Hameed Shahid’s third collection of short stories titled as Marg Zaar at the Academy of Letters on Sunday.
Chairman Pakistan Academy of Letters Iftikhar Arif, eminent short story writer and play writer Mansha Yad, noted scholar Mubin Mirza, Nasir Abbas Nayyir, Ali Muhammad Farshi, Manzar Naqvi and Asghar Abid discussed different features of Hameed Shahid’s short stories. They gave an overview of general as well as particular themes in Hameed Shahid and called him “a prominent voice” who has a sensitive pen steeped in the woes and conflicts of modern times.
Prof.Fateh Muhammad Malik held that Hameed Shahid’s short stories are woven well. They remind one of Baidi and Manto as far as the questions of self and identity are concerned. He said Hameed Shahid has never lost touch with his soil and takes us back to days when values had certain place in our lives and people had an ear for a word of advice and goodness.
Iftakhar Arif said the use of the local vocabulary in Hameed Shahid is commendable. Though he looks at the word beyond him while his feet are firmly planted on earth. He called “Sovarg Mein Sour” (a pig in the paradise) his representative story and drew a comparison between him and other writes of short stories.
Mubin Mirza, a scholar and critic from Karachi, held that Shahid’s short stories not only reflect suffering of those living around but they also point out the global conspiracies and big powers’ ruthless use of force against the down-trodden nations. These aspects, said he, have contributed a great deal the growth of the writer’s creative genius.
Mansha Yad said Hameed Shahid has experimented with dictions, plot and different techniques of the story. He called Hameed Shahid a promising young writer whose has found a place in the list of first rate writers.
Ali Muhammad Farshi said according to writer of Marg zaar the whole world after 9/11 has turned into a battlefield where people in confusion as to whom their real enemy is. The stories foretell that thus graveness of future days the world is going to face, he said.
Nasir Abbas Nayyir (from jhang) high lighted different stages of self-reflexivity in Hameed Shahid and said his short stories are a good example of realism blended with creativity and folk wisdom.
Hameed Shahid while offering gratitude said it was the internal woes and feelings of sorrow that made him writes stories. He said a writer however focused to the story at hand could not live in isolation from the changes occurring around him. He said the gulf that appeared between the third world countries and the US after 9/11 shook him deep inside and he could not help making this a subject matter of his stories. An article by Amjad Tufail (from Lahore) was also read on this occasion. Dr. Najiba Arif and Manzar Naqvi introduced Hameed Shahid’s work to the audience.
(Pakistan OBSERVER 6 December 2004)
Halqa writers discussed short stories
Islamabad __ Hameed Shahid collection of short stories titled Marg zaar was described as well constructed in a meeting of Halqa Arbab-e-Zauq held here. Iftakhar Arif described the collection as one of the best written on the 9/11 incident, and Masnsha Yad had said that that by writing those stories the writer had joined the ranks of outstanding ficton writer of Urdu.
(DAWN: December 5, 2004)