Indian textbooks include Intezar, Shahid’s stories
ISLAMABAD – Ministry of Human Resource Development India has included stories of the eminent Pakistani Writers Intezar Hussain and Hameed Shahid in the textbooks at higher education level.
In the first edition of the “Intakhab Urdu Nasar” (Anthology of Urdu Prose) for the students of Urdu, Intezar Hussain’s story “Badal” and Hameed Shahid’s story “Loth” haven included. Translations of noted writers have also been included in the first edition of the Intakhab whose 24,000 copies hav
e been published so far.
In order to create interest among the students of Urdu Literature Ghalib’s letters, A note of Gandhi on Allama Iqbal’s Poem, Altaf Hussain Hali and Qurratul Ain Haider’s works have been included in the anthology.
Parem Chand, Asmat Chughtai, Kanhiya Lal Kapoor, Sirsyed Ahmed Khan, Deputy Nazir Ahmed, Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, Shibli Nomani, Lhawaja Hassan Nizami, Krishan Chandar, Rajindar Singh Bedi, Intezar Hussain and Muhammad Hamid Shahid have also been included in the list of eminent Urdu writings/ short stories.
The Delhi- based publications
terms Intezar Hussain an acclaimed Urdu short story writer of our times. About Hameed Shahid the anthology says he is a popular modern short story writer, one hailing from the younger lot Urdu short story writers.
Hameed Shahid has used language skillfully to bring home his point of view in his short stories, the publication further says. According to the anthology, Hameed Shahid’s short stories successfully depict modern life and its complexities.
In the first edition of the “Intakhab Urdu Nasar” (Anthology of Urdu Prose) for the students of Urdu, Intezar Hussain’s story “Badal” and Hameed Shahid’s story “Loth” haven included. Translations of noted writers have also been included in the first edition of the Intakhab whose 24,000 copies hav
In order to create interest among the students of Urdu Literature Ghalib’s letters, A note of Gandhi on Allama Iqbal’s Poem, Altaf Hussain Hali and Qurratul Ain Haider’s works have been included in the anthology.
Parem Chand, Asmat Chughtai, Kanhiya Lal Kapoor, Sirsyed Ahmed Khan, Deputy Nazir Ahmed, Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, Shibli Nomani, Lhawaja Hassan Nizami, Krishan Chandar, Rajindar Singh Bedi, Intezar Hussain and Muhammad Hamid Shahid have also been included in the list of eminent Urdu writings/ short stories.
The Delhi- based publications
Hameed Shahid has used language skillfully to bring home his point of view in his short stories, the publication further says. According to the anthology, Hameed Shahid’s short stories successfully depict modern life and its complexities.
The Nation / City Page /Islamabad/Sunday, June 28, 2009